
FF7 Rebirth World Intel and side content rewards list | Polygon

What FF7 Rebirth side content should you do based on the rewards?

There’s a ton of side content to do in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, and it can be overwhelming, especially considering how long this game is. Off the cuff, it’s impossible to tell which pieces of open world exploration are worth tackling or which may actually be mandatory. premium cufflinks

If you’re a completionist, you may end up doing everything anyway, but we already did all that hard work for you. Below, we detail what rewards you get from each of the open world exploration tasks in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, so you can determine for yourself if they’re worth your time.

Every activity affiliated with an icon put on your map by Chadley will reward you with some Party EXP as well as data points to spend in his shop. Once completed, many of them also become fast travel points. Fully completing the world intel for a region will give you an achievement for that area.

That may be incentive enough for you to seek out these things, but if not, here are the more specific rewards you get for each type of activity:

These don’t straight-up give rewards, but do make other nearby intel points appear in your map. You can still access these points without the tower, they just won’t be laid out for you on your map. These towers also typically have boxes with Moogle Medals inside on them.

For each duo of combat assignments you finish, you’ll unlock new combat scenarios in Chadley’s combat simulator. Some boss assignments (where you have to take down one special fiend, called “Classified Intel”) reward you specific items you need to complete side quests.

You do not need to do all three objectives in Fiend Intel to mark the intel as complete, but you will lose out on Party EXP if you don’t do all three.

Finding divine intel weakens the summon fights in Chadley’s combat simulator. Since you need to beat the respective summon in battle before you can get the materia for it, grabbing all three of these will make your fight significantly easier. They also buff up your summons more.

Note that you do need all six summons to complete the Protorelic quest line.

For every two lifesprings you find, you’ll unlock some lore about the area, as well as either an excavation site or “classified intel.” Excavation sites unlock more craftable recipes for your item transmuter. Classified shows you the location of, and allows you to fight, a high-level fiend — like the Tonberry King.

Protorelics offer a different type of gameplay in each region, but they typically have some lore and a minigame associated with it. For example, in the Junon region, you’ll need to play Fort Condor, but in Corel, you’ll need to play a specific cactuar-hunting minigame.

Some of them, like the Grasslands’ Protorelic, have story featuring some side characters from Final Fantasy 7 Remake, while others, like the Cosmo Canyon Protorelic, shed heavier backstory about the main cast.

Completing the full Protorelic quest line will yield a big reward: a summon, as well as the ability to craft some late-game accessories.

As you find more Moogle houses, they rank up, allowing you to buy more goods with Moogle medals. Most notably, you can buy books that give skill points to a specific character.

You will also need to do at least four Moghouses to complete one of the side quests, but it doesn’t matter which four you do.

Digging around with your chocobos in these areas will give you new transmuter chips, allowing you to craft more items. Excavation sites are also essential steps for certain side quests.

These pieces of side content are not part of Chadley’s intel, but they do appear on your map still. They both yield different rewards.

Queen’s Blood, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth’s meatiest side activity, is a card battler replete with dozens of cards and complex deck-building strategies. You’ll earn a Queen’s Blood card when you defeat an opponent for the first time. Passing a threshold of defeated opponents will increase your Queen’s Blood rank and unlock matches against high-level Queen’s Blood opponents.

While Queen’s Blood is mostly optional, you’ll need to play the occasional match for side quests. (There’s also a tournament in the main plot. Winning it grants a trophy for your collectables.) Lastly, Queen’s Blood more than just a distraction: There’s an entire separate storyline affiliated with the minigame.

Finding all of Snap’s photospots will net you an achievement and a trophy for your collectables. If you talk to Snap, he’ll mark the photospot for you on your map, making it a pretty easy objective to complete.

Side quests — those are the ones marked by green icons on your map — give you a plethora of rewards, including heaps of EXP and skill books for your party members. Some may reward you with weapons or Queen’s Blood cards. Most notably, each side quest will reward relationship points towards whatever character is featured in that quest, which determines who you go on a date with during the Gold Saucer sequences.

The world of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is huge, but we have your back if you need help. We have a beginners guide, a breakdown of the game’s length, and an explainer on how to plan ahead for your Gold Saucer date.

If you need more nitty gritty guides like how to find things like ziplines in Costa del Sol, soldiers in Junon, or the Tonberry King boss in Corel, we have those, too. Or if you love Queen’s Blood, we have a comprehensive list of cards and how to get them.

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