It reaffirms its positioning in these four decades by expanding its market into the United States
Founded by members of the Postlethwaite family in 1979, Cajas Agrícolas was created with the objective of generating a union between the sustainability needs of the region and the improvement of service in the manufacturing of packaging for agricultural, livestock and industrial products. It started with wooden packaging, then dry and waxed corrugated cardboard boxes, until producing reusable plastic boxes. Founder of Cajas Agrícolas, Carlos Postlethwaite Corflute Box
“This idea began to serve the agricultural sector. I saw the need in this market niche and worked to develop an opportunity. We started from scratch and currently have coverage in the United States” Founder of Cajas Agrícolas, Carlos Postlethwaite
“This idea began to serve the agricultural sector. I saw the need in this market niche and worked to develop an opportunity. “We started from scratch and currently have coverage in the United States”
Founder of Cajas Agrícolas, Carlos Postlethwaite
The family business has been consolidated thanks to the second generation that has helped Cajas Agrícolas evolve according to market trends. One of the leaders at the head of this second generation is the general director of ROKA SAPI Investments, which groups Cajas Agrícolas, Roberto Postlethwaite, and shares what these 45 years mean. “A great achievement for having a 100% integrated family company born in Mexicali thanks to the integration of many efforts and a work team that has been with us since the first stone was laid. This is a reflection that we are complying with both our collaborators, investors, government and social actions” General Director of ROKA SAPI Investments, Roberto Postlethwaite
“A great achievement for having an integrated 100% family company born in Mexicali thanks to the integration of many efforts and a work team that has been with us since the first stone was laid. This is a reflection that we are complying with both our collaborators, investors, government and social actions”
General Director of ROKA SAPI Investments, Roberto Postlethwaite
And for the general director of Cajas Agrícolas, Alejandro Postlethwaite, this anniversary is a great satisfaction with vision: “It is a pleasure to be able to share this celebration with the first generations; For us it is a great achievement and we have our sights set on the future” The legacy of the 1st generation
“It is a pleasure to be able to share this celebration with the first generations; For us it is a great achievement and we look to the future”
Although the products and the company have adapted to the passage of time, it is the values of the first generation that have made Cajas Agrícolas sustainable throughout these four decades.
Roberto explains that “The first generation taught us to work in an equitable way where you comply with the five values: customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and you are part of a community, integrating yourself through decent jobs and social programs.”
“The first generation taught us to work in an equitable way where you comply with the five values: customers, suppliers, employees, shareholders and are part of a community, integrating through decent jobs and social programs”
For his part, Alejandro considers that the first generation inherits the know-how as well as knowing how to stay at the forefront. “Our internal philosophy, knowing how to communicate with the client and supplier and how to approach new projects are just some of the many positive actions that the first generation has taught us and that have led us to success”Alejandro Postlethwaite, general director of Cajas AgrícolasRoberto Postlethwaite, general director of Inversiones ROKA SAPIUS market expansion
“Our internal philosophy, knowing how to communicate with the client and supplier and how to approach new projects are just some of the many positive actions that the first generation has taught us and that have led us to success”
Proof of the legacy is that Cajas Agrícolas is currently located in nine states of the Mexican Republic and this year they expanded their market to the United States with the company Cactus Packaging Supplies LLC in McAllen, Texas. “The first market that opened was in McAllen, Texas. , where the synergy of the border helped us and, on the other hand, we realized that there is no company that offers this type of solutions; We achieve this in collaboration with our suppliers and the self-service market itself” Roberto Postlethwaite
“The first market that opened was in McAllen, Texas, where the synergy of the border helped us and, on the other hand, we realized that there is no company that offers this type of solutions; “We achieve this in collaboration with our suppliers and the self-service market itself”
On the financial front, Alejandro Postlethwaite reports that the company is growing steadily and adjusting the methodology. “It is a market with a lot of potential, we are projecting that in 2025 we will open two more regions: Arizona and California.”
One of the main challenges when making your way in a foreign country is knowing the cultural uniqueness of each region; To this end, Roberto explains some of the strategies that have benefited them: “We started by joining civil agricultural associations and understanding what we could offer; always in the agreement that it is we who adjust and not the client”Challenges, learnings and change of course
“We started by joining civil agricultural associations and understanding what we could offer; always in the agreement that it is we who adjust and not the client”
The natural cycle of companies is a constant combination between challenges and learning, because as it grows, the strategies have to become effective and the entrepreneur, a resilient person.
The general director of Inversiones ROKA, Roberto Postlethwaite, shares that a challenging moment was becoming a more friendly and environmentally conscious company that led not only to changing the way of producing, but also a change in mentality. “One of the most notable challenges was changing the product and changing our culture. We were very focused on waxed cardboard boxes, however, they could not be recycled or reused. “So we started looking for a product to replace it, as well as hiring professionals in the field to develop reusable packaging.”
“One of the most notable challenges was changing the product and changing our culture. We were very focused on waxed cardboard boxes, however, they could not be recycled or reused. “So we started looking for a product to replace it, as well as hiring professionals in the field to develop reusable packaging.”
The above opened up the possibility of including in their product inventory the distribution of complementary packaging, such as pallets, plastic boxes and other types of products that are more sustainable.
“I don't like to see things as crises, rather, they are opportunities to improve and adapt,” he adds.
Under this same tenor, the director of Cajas Agrícolas, Alejandro Postlethwaite, reflects that the strategies that have been taken are based on having healthy finances, being one step ahead and foreseeing situations. “Every crisis has an economic impact and it is impossible to guess what will happen in the future, however, we can analyze previous situations and train our team to be ready for any circumstance that may occur” Socially Responsible Company
“Every crisis has an economic impact and it is impossible to guess what will happen in the future, however, we can analyze previous situations and train our team to be ready for any circumstance that may occur”
Throughout these 45 years, together with its collaborators, suppliers, workers and shareholders, Cajas Agrícolas has strived to create a work environment that seeks integration, cooperation and responsibility towards the community as well as its clients. Proof of this is the low labor turnover that the company has, as well as collaborators who have been in the Cajas Agrícolas family for more than 25 years.
Added to this is awareness about the environment and climate change; To do this, they created two byproducts: Ciclo, a vermicomposting project made up of organic waste, which is decomposed via worms, creating a fertilizer rich in nutrients for the soil; and Quick Start, made from waxed corrugated cardboard waste, ideal for lighting charcoal and firewood. And in aid of society, Cajas Agrícolas has supported homes in Mexicali with clothing, footwear, education and health in conjunction with foundations, such as Marianita Curiel, among many more.
Among friends, collaborators and management personnel, Cajas Agrícolas celebrated its 45th anniversary on November 2, 2024 at Rancho Mosqueda in Mexicali. Recognitions were given to key members and collaborators with outstanding careers.
One of the awards was given to the company's founder, Carlos Postlethwaite, whose legacy continues to be the force that unites the family. “People make the company. With their dedication and effort we have managed to reach 45 years and we are going for another 45,” said the director of ROKA Investments. Tips for family businesses
What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs running family businesses on how to maintain success and harmony between generations?
Alejandro: Don't forget that the core of business is having a foundation for where you want to go based on a solid philosophy that is created with values, principles and excellent communication in decision making.
Roberto: Organization, protocols and transparency are the main ingredient and informing everyone involved about the strategies. Near futures
For Alejandro, the vision for the future is focused on “innovating products with excellent quality to impact our industry, creating disruptive strategies where we can dream that our business model is possible in many regions.”
For his part, Roberto considers that, “Everything that has been created to date at Cajas Agrícolas is a watershed of who we will be in the next 45 years. With more projects to help and with the constant work of maintaining our products with the highest quality possible”
“Everything that has been created to date at Cajas Agrícolas is a watershed of who we will be in the next 45 years. With more projects to help and with the constant work of maintaining our products with the highest quality possible”
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