
Recycling – what goes in the bin |

Garbage, recycling, and compost collection will be delayed by one day for Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday customers this week. Friday customers will be picked up on Saturday. Sign up for free, real-time garbage day reminders .

Learn about compost bin guidelines and garbage bin guidelines. Hardcover Gift Boxes

Recycling – what goes in the bin |

All items should be empty and dry before going into your recycling bin. Items should be placed loose in the bin; do not bag them.

Have extra cardboard? Fit as much into your bin as possible by flattening and cutting into smaller pieces. When your bin is full, flatten extra cardboard, tape together in one bundle, and lean next to your blue recycling bin. Bundles should be no larger than 3 feet in any direction.

When sorting your plastics, ignore the recycle symbol and number: Plastics recycling in Portland is based on the size and shape of the item. Please rinse containers. They do not need to be perfectly clean, but should be free of food residue and dry before they go in your bin.

*Deposit plastic bottles can be recycled in your bin or, to collect deposit funds, take them to a BottleDrop Center or participating grocery store.

Any plastic that is not shaped like a bottle, round tub, bucket, or jug is not allowed in Portland's recycling. This means:

*Deposit cans and bottles can be recycled in your bin or, to collect deposit funds, take them to a BottleDrop Center or participating grocery store.

Glass should always be collected separately from other recycling. If glass ends up with other recyclables, it can cause harm to the staff and machinery at local recycling facilities.

*Deposit glass bottles can be recycled in your glass-only bin or, to collect deposit funds, take them to a BottleDrop Center or participating grocery store.

Apartments and businesses: Batteries must be taken to drop-off sites for safe disposal. Call 503-234-3000, go to , or  look up drop-off or pick-up recycling options.  

Houses (including duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes): Follow the instructions below to recycle bagged batteries with your glass recycling.

Any battery that can fit into a 1-quart, zip-sealed plastic bag, including:

Find drop-off options for these items by searching  Find a Recycler or calling Metro’s Recycling Information Center at 503-234-3000 Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Batteries can spark and cause fires if not handled properly: Never put batteries, or things with batteries in them, in garbage or mixed recycling. 

Learn more about battery recycling

Houses (including duplexes, triplexes, and fourplexes): Put motor oil in a leakproof, clear plastic jug (1 gallon max) with a tightly-closed lid. Place on curb next to waste bins.

Apartments and businesses: Call 503-234-3000 or look up drop-off or pick-up recycling options.

Look it up or call 503-234-3000: They’ll tell you if it goes in your garbage or recycling bin, or where you can drop it off for recycling, donation, or safe disposal.

Go to or @recycleornot on Instagram to see commonly confused items.

And then test your recycling knowledge by playing the Recycle or Not game!

Apartment building recycling guide

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Recycling – what goes in the bin |

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