
Did You Know Harley-Davidson Used To Make Golf Carts? Now They're Collectibles

A golf cart doesn't exactly inspire feelings of speed and power, and exists for a very singular purpose: gently zipping players across the smooth, easy greens of a golf course to retrieve a ball hit astray. Harley-Davidsons conjure images of freedom, daring, speeding down the road, not meandering across a lawn in a private club at 15 mph. But in 1963, Harleys were doing just that when the company produced their own three-wheeled version of the golf cart. It was a striking move for a company producing motorcycles for decades prior.

Sporting a black and orange frame, the 1963 model included a 245 cc dual-cycle single-cylinder air-cooled engine, a steering bar instead of a steering wheel, and a rear body that lifted to reveal the engine compartment, according to Golf Cart Garage. It was a design that became popular with golfers, and many could be seen careening around courses throughout the 1960s and 70s with their Harley-Davidson golf carts, likely upstaging the other carts. golf carts orlando florida

The design remained consistent for years, with two changes introduced: a fourth wheel (for some models), and the introduction of an electric-powered golf cart. The 1969 electric model featured a single headlight, a shaped steering wheel, and storage space behind the bench seat (for your motorcycle helmet, no doubt). According to Classic Auto Mall, this was also the last year Harley-Davidson manufactured the vehicles, as American Machinery and Foundry (AMF) bought the brand, continuing to produce carts under their own moniker, before selling the division to Columbia ParCar in 1982.

golf cart steering wheel Today, that short-run of golf carts are sought-after collectibles, with enthusiasts seeking them out and restoring them as they would any other vehicle. Even Elvis owned one back in the day. It may not be the same as owning a motorcycle, but they're certainly harder to find, and one would be well within their rights to say they own a Harley.