
All Operator Certification Program exams are administered via computer-based testing through our testing vendor, PSI. Once you receive an examination approval letter from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, you can schedule online or call 855-557-0617 to schedule your exam. For more detailed scheduling information, please review the candidate handbook located on the PSI website.

In summary, certificates of completion for both Volume I (all enrollments A, B and C) and Volume II (all enrollments A and B) are required to obtain eligibility to sit for the Wastewater Class C examination.   wastewater operations

DEP's Operator Certification Program accepts only GED issued by the American Council on Education through an approved GED administrator. In Florida, the approved GED administrator is the Florida Department of Education through its network of public schools and adult education centers. (Note: Depending on your location, some testing centers are paper- or computer-based. Enter your ZIP code under Testing Center Information.)

Florida Statutes require that anyone who operates a drinking water treatment plant, domestic wastewater treatment plant and/or water distribution system be licensed by DEP. To qualify for licensure, an applicant must meet minimum educational and work experience requirements for each class of license. A passing score is required on the exam for the type and level license desired. Learn more about the Operator Certification Program (Program Handbook).

Step 1: Apply for Exam - I have completed my approved training course and I am ready to take my exam.

Step 2:  Apply for License - I have taken and passed my Florida exam and I am ready to get my license.

If you have not completed your required amount of continuing education, you should begin making arrangements now! Do not wait until the last minute when all classes are full and unavailable. You can search the status of your Continuing Education Units (CEUs).

Please note that the splitting of CEUs is prohibited. An example of this would be a management course worth 4.0 CEUs. These CEUs cannot be split into 2.0 for water and 2.0 for wastewater if you are dually licensed. If you have any questions regarding this, call the Operator Certification Program at 850-245-7500.

Need further assistance or information regarding the program?

Operator Certification Program Division of Water Resource Management 2600 Blair Stone Road, MS 3506 Tallahassee, FL 32399-2400 Phone: 850-245-7500; Fax: 850-245-8410

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